The Congregation Poor Servants of Divine Providence (PSDP) Sisters is parallel to the male branch; Father Calabria founded it with the same spirit and objectives and used to represent the two Congregations as branches of the same tree.
Fr. Calabria welcomed Angelina De Battisti, the first Poor Servant Sister on April 17, 1910. Gradually many other generous women joined her. They lived totally committed to the care of the orphans and abandoned children. Few years later, they started to spread in other houses always affectionately and maternally giving assistance in the Houses of the Poor Servants Brothers, looking after the chores of the house.
They also dedicated themselves to the assistance to poor needy women: single mothers, women with moral and material difficulties, nursery schools, and were engaged with youth groups, courses of formation and work orientation.

Throughout the world, we Poor Servant Sisters are committed
in different fields with the preference for the poor. We support the Poor Servants Brothers in many of their activities but have also our own activities in the pastoral field, in the social work (education, health, rehabilitation ...) and in the field of vocational orientation.
In the Philippines:
The Sisters arrived in the Philippines, precisely in Cagayan de
Oro, to open their first community in 2011 and in 2014, they moved also to S. Lorenzo Ruiz Parish- Taytay.
The community of Cagayan de Oro City is also the novitiate
house and shelter few scholars. The sisters and novices are engaged in the formation, in their studies and in the pastoral work at the relocation site at Mother of Divine Mercy Village; they support the activities of the Brothers in the Calabrian Foundation and have some activities with the kids from a slum area of Carmen, on Sundays.
At S. Lorenzo Ruiz parish, the sisters are working in the health
field at Bro. Francis Perez Clinic and in the pastoral work in the different ministries of the parish: Youth, vocation, BEC’s.
To revive in the world faith and trust in God, Father of all humans through the total abandonment to his divine providence, intensely lived and clearly witnessed in all personal and community events and in historical events of the world.
Committed to any form of Apostolate, available to accept any activity for the Kingdom however giving preference for the places and activities where humanly nothing is to be expected in return.
“Seek first the Kingdom of God”
Mt 6: 25-34.
San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish
Taytay, Rizal
P.O. Box 381-Q. Plaza Post Office, 1900, Cainta, Rizal
Phones: (+63) 09266955406 (sr. Maria)
09064613726 (sr. Luciane)
026557514 (land line)
Email: psdpsisters.php@gmail.com
Cagayan de Oro City
# 23, Andres Fernandez St. Carmen
Cagayan de Oro City;
Phone: (+63) 09394286485 (Sr. Carla)
Vocational Promotion