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Mary Mother of the Poor Delegation welcomes Fr. Bineesh Manjeriyil, PSDP

Manila, Philippines - Following the visit from Papua New Guinea, Fr. Bineesh Manjeriyil, PSDP, General Councilor together with Fr. Marvin Tadena, PSDP, Delegate Superior of Mary Mother of the Poor Delegation arrived at Manila International Airport Terminal 1 yesterday, around 9:00 in the evening. They were warmly welcomed by Fr. John Mark Regañon, PSDP, together with the Calabrian family member Ms. Kim Kimberly Derla and Ms. Aira Mae Gino. In his short-stay from March 3-6, Fr. Bineesh will visit the PSDP religious communities and activities around Taytay and will do dialogues also together with the Casante. And on the last day of his visit, he will accompany the Filipino religious who will go to Italy for their Sabbatical period.




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