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Launching of the Year of Priests in Papua New Guinea

Rabaul, Papua New Guinea: Today is the launching of the year of Priests in the Archdiocese of Rabaul. The theme of this celebration is "Personal Growth - Spiritual Formation - Effective Fruitful Parish Ministry". This is an important occasion to pray for all Priests working in the Archdiocese and also a moment of renewal since the Archdiocese will also be celebrating its 150th year of continuous evangelization.

The Apostolic Nuncio to the CBCPNGSI, His Excellency, Archbishop Firmin Emilio Sosa Rodriguez was the main celebrant of today’s eucharistic celebration. Archbishop Rochus Josef Tatamai, MSC and the Priests working in the Archdiocese concelebrated with him. The Mass was animated by the St. John the 23rd Community and Vunapope 2 Community of Vunapope Parish, and the MSC Sisters.




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