CCF Staff Visits Divine Mercy Shrine for Silence, Prayer, and Reconciliation
Cagayan de Oro City – On Ash Wednesday, 5th of March 2025, Staff of Calabrian Children’s Foundation (CCF), Inc. went to the Archdiocesan Shrine of Divine Mercy in Brgy. Ulaliman, El Salvador City to spend some moment of silence, prayer, and reflection as a way to welcome the season of lent. Embracing this opportunity of spiritual renewal, they also availed to the sacrament of reconciliation where God’s mercy is made available and visible.
The season of lent is a forty-day season in the calendar of the Catholic Church which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. This is a period of preparation where Catholics are invited to embark on a spiritual journey through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, leading them to union with Christ in his suffering and self-oblation on the cross.
The staff of CCF, grateful for this opportunity, lifted up their hands in prayer to the Lord in thanksgiving for this day and the days ahead throughout the Lenten season.