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"Retreat 2020"

Taytay, Rizal: Due to the current global crisis that we are facing today, the Poor Servants of Divine Providence Religious in the Philippines, had their annual retreats at their respective communities. The retreat was instructed and facilitated by the very own Cassante of the Congregation, Rev. Fr. Miguel Tofful, via Social communications (Media). The retreat started last May 24th up to 30th with the theme "Prophecy of Communion: A gift of the Holy Spirit," and it was divided into six (6) parts to be reflected in six days; 1st & the 2nd day was about "A family born of a vital and concrete charism," the 3rd & 4th day about "a charism that becomes a lifestyle," the 5th day was about "a life style incarnated in our choices: 'our pearls', and the last day was about the 'Blessed Virgin Mary.'

The retreat had a particular intentions for the day: 1. For the retreatants in the Philippine delegation and the two brothers in Papua New Guinea 2. For St. John Calabria Delegation & Nuestra Señora Aparecida Delegation 3. For Mama Muxima & Maria Immaculada Delegations 4. For Ish Kripa Sadan & St. Joseph Mission 5. For the General Councils of the PSDP Brothers and Sisters, and the Missionaries of the Poor, and the 12th General Chapter Participants 6. For the end of Corona Virus Pandemic.

We thank God for guiding all the religious and sending the Holy Spirit to be with them during the retreat. We continue to pray for all people who are working for the good of all particularly all the Front-liners throughout the world. Amen.



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