Holy Week Recollection
Taytay: The Poor Servants of Divine Providence Brothers and Sisters in Manila had their Holy Week Recollection last April 6, 2020 (Holy Monday). The said recollection started around 8:30 in the morning and culminated with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist around 4:00 in the afternoon. The recollection was facilitated by Sr. Maria Chiara of the PSDP Sisters.
We thank the Lord for the protection and graces he bestowed on us particularly in this time of crisis. We continue to pray for all people throughout the world, those who work tirelessly to eradicate CoVid-19; the Doctors, Nurses, Police and Military men, all Front-liners, and those private and public agencies who help fight against the disease. We also pray for all those who are afflicted may they be restored to health soon, and we pray for all those who have died because of the illness. St. John Calabria would always remind us, "Souls, souls, souls" and this is our responsibility.