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Bulilit Health Workers

Taytay: On the 8th of November 2017, the clinical clerks of UERMMMCI Batch 2018 Group 8 conducted a health teaching clinic to the Bulilit Health Workers of Calabria Formation School. The activity was in line with the Department of Health’s Bone and Joints Awareness Month and focused on teaching those in the fourth and sixth grade level the function and proper care of bones and joints.

A total of 61 students from the Grade 4 and Grade 6 level of Calabria Formation School participated in the event. They were all divided into groups of 4 with one junior clerk tasked to supervise each group.

The programs were as follows: prayer, opening remarks, lectures on first aid for common injuries i.e. PRICE (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation), proper stretching demo, game named ‘Centipede’ and the winners of which were given prizes.The program concluded with the speaker summarizing all that were discussed and each of the students were given loot bags as gratitude for participating in the activity.



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